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Online Courses for Providers

If you need Pharmacy CE, I've got VOLUMES written for you! If you need the fancy STAMP of CERTIFICATION, you may need to look elsewhere. ALL of the presentations listed below have been approved through either the AANP, the OANP or NANCEAC and delivered through national or state conferences, in-person or virtually. Places to find my work WITH the fancy stamp of certification would be

Continuing Education Courses for Practitioners 

(without the fancy stamp from OANP, AANP, or NANCEAC)

2015: Mental Health Issues in 5 parts (roughly 10 hours) $65 each or $300 for series (Email me--link provided above--to request this series.)

  • Drug trends over past two years reported, mental health trends, subjective nature of diseases, nutrient depletions that present as mental health issues.

  • Meeting the drugs, matching them to FDA approved indications, recognizing research misconduct/fraud, weighing evidence against current standards of care.

  • Problem of pain, patient language, mental-emotional-spiritual implications/etiologies, how to treat pain.

  • Depression vs stress, DSM-V criteria, what the drugs really do and how quickly, how to treat depression, which agents are really hard to remove and why, how to taper safely.

  •  Anxiety and sleep, why they walk hand-in-hand, how to divide and conquer them once and for all, how even the standards have changed but the prescribing habits have not yet, and how to taper patients off safely.

2016: The Cardiovascular Triad: Etiology and Reversal of Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, and Type 2 Diabetes (roughly 90 minutes) $48 (Email me--link provided above--to request this.)

2017: What the Gut? (90 minutes) $48

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, GERD, ulcers/erosions, IBD, SIBO: the drugs to treat and the potential harm they cause; how to treat these issues naturopathically to reverse them! (Email me--link provided above--to request this.)

Respiratory Series in 2 parts (90 minutes each) $48 each; $90 for both. (Email me--link provided above--to request this series.)

  • Allergies and Asthma

  • Recurrent Respiratory Infections

Scary Drugs and Black Box Warnings (90 minutes) $48. (Email me--link provided above--to request this.)

2018: Diseases of the Drugs series (10 hours, each episode 2 hours in length) $65 each or $300 for the series:

  • GI, GU Systems, Immune System part 1: drugs used for GERD, IBS, IBD; ED, BPH, urinary incontinence; bacterial, viral infections; evidence, warnings/precautions, common and less common adverse events.

  • Cardiovascular System: drugs used to manage the very common presentations of hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes; and the less common arrhythmias, angina and clotting disorders; what you need to know.

  • Respiratory System: drugs used to manage/treat asthma, allergies, COPD and respiratory infections; shared drugs across disease states, effects on heart (and elsewhere), cumulative effects on heart (and elsewhere), nutrient depletions by disease state and drug wasting.

Ethics of Prescribing (Nervous System part 2 and Immune System part 3, focusing on meds prescribed for auto-immune disorders and mental health disorders): common drugs that can cause what appears to be challenges in mental health (depression, anxiety, mania, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment and more) and the ethical concerns around prescribing antidepressants when they can cause anxiety, worsen depression (to the point of homicidal/suicidal ideation and completion) and/or precipitate bipolar II; how the new influx of monoclonal antibodies and targeted immune system disruptors can spare a pain but cost a life; research—and lack thereof—revealed.

2019: Deprescribing Series (10 hours, each episode 2 hours in length) $65 each or $300 for the series:

  • GI, GU Systems, Immune System part 1: what to do to essentially reverse these disease states so de-prescribing of the drugs can take place! Focus is on reversing GERD, IBS, chronic constipation, ED, BPH, urinary incontinence, bacterial and viral infections; which drugs can be abruptly discontinued and which ones need tapering; subjective and objective symptoms and signs to watch for over-medication.

  • Cardiovascular System: what to do to reverse hypertension, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes; helps for arrhythmias, angina and clotting disorders; objective and subjective signs and symptoms to record to prove over-medication; which drugs can be abruptly discontinued vs slowly tapered.

  • Respiratory System: reversing asthma, allergies, COPD and respiratory infections! How to support the phases of inflammation for speedy recovery/reversal.

  • Nervous System part 2, Immune System part 3: this might be my favorite topic! Reversing depression, anxiety, bipolar II, sleep disorders and all things auto-immune: RA, UC, Crohn’s, psoriasis, mixed-connective tissue disease…. I LOVE “medical miracles!

2020: Diseases of the Drugs Series, Excipients in Childhood Vaccines (10 hours, each episode 2.5 hours in length) $81 each or $300 for series:

  • Viral Vaccines, part 1: measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, polio vaccines; routes of administration of vaccines vs wild type entry; limitations in knowledge about and understanding of immune system (then and now); susceptibility; what’s been studied, what’s not. Birth to 15 

  • Viral Vaccines, part 2: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rotavirus, influenza; nutrition and viral replication, autoimmunity, controversy around vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). Birth to 15 months.

  • Bacterial Vaccines: DTaP=Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Haemophilus influenza B, pneumococcal conjugate; titers, vaccine manufacturers held harmless, changes in genetic expression. Birth to 15 months.

  • The Rest of the Childhood Vaccines: TDaP=Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Human Papilloma Virus, meningococcal conjugate; herd immunity from farmers’ perspectives, censorship across social media platforms, vaccine hesitancy and country comparisons. 18 months to 18 years.

Health Trends 2020 and Comorbidities (90 minutes) $48

(That’s code for “COVID-19 and Comorbidities”): is COVID-19 the devastating disease it’s being purported and reported to be? Or is it COVID + a chronic underlying condition or two that is a potentially lethal mix? Which chronic diseases are the most problematic when combined with COVID? And what needs to be done to REVERSE those so that COVID doesn’t need to be feared? (Email me--link provided above--to request this.)

2021: Lessons differentiating between "managing" and REVERSING Chronic Disease, each 90 minutes long. $48 each or $345 for the series:

Bundle the two Mental Health pieces for a discount and more comprehensive understanding.

Practicing in an Unlicensed State (1 hour) $27. (Email me to request this piece. Link above.)

That's a LOT of information! You'll see that I tend to stay with what I know: Diseases of the Drugs (my alliterative way of saying "iatrogenesis", which simply means harm by medicine) and De-prescribing or chronic disease REVERSAL! I LOVE REVERSING chronic disease!

When taught in-person, the entire NPLEx II Pharmacology Review with Christie Fleetwood is a 3-day course! Dr. Fleetwood has worked her magic to re-format this live presentation for an e-learning environment, so that you can dive into reviewing up on those NPLEx II drugs at your own convenience on the interwebs! Dr Fleetwood is an incredible teacher, making learning fun--even pharmacology! And for licensing exams! Voice-over PowerPoint for all Systems, Disease States, Classes of Drugs and Individual Drug Names. The accompanying Kit is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Clinical Pearls throughout!

Additional Information: Kit INCLUDED in this offering at $250! 

Mini Courses for the PUBLIC (open to Practitioners, too!)

Away with ASTHMA! Mini-Course $120

This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications that can cause breathing issues, secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" asthma, nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE asthma, what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.

CHOLESTEROL Correction Mini-Course $120

This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications that can cause cholesterol abnormalities (low HDL, high LDL/VLDL, high triglycerides), secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" cholesterol abnormalities, nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE these cholesterol issues, what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.

ALLERGIES Mini-Course $120

This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications that can cause skin and/or respiratory allergies, secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" allergies, nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE irritating allergies, what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.

Done with DIABETES Mini-Course$120

This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications that can cause high blood glucose, secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" type 2 diabetes, nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE type 2 diabetes, what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? Hardly! Mini-Course $120

This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications that can cause elevated blood pressure, secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" hypertension, nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE high blood pressure, what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.


This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications that can cause recurrent and/or chronic respiratory infections, secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" these infections, nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE chronic/recurrent respiratory infections, what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.

ADD/ADHD Mini-Course $120

This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications that can cause attention deficits and/or hyperactivity, secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" ADD/ADHD, nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE ADD/ADHD, what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.


This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications that can cause heartburn, gastric and bowel dysfunction, secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" GERD, IBS, and chronic constipations, nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE these debilitating gastric issues, what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.

MENTAL HEALTH Mini-Course $120

This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications that can cause depression, anxiety, bipolar II, insomnia, secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" these common complaints, nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE depression (even MDD), anxiety, bipolar II, insomnia..., what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.

AUTOIMMUNITY Mini-Course $120

This is a "smash-up" of two continuing education courses written for healthcare providers. Part One is "Diseases of the Drugs": medications and lifestyle habits that can cause autoimmunity, secondary diseases caused by the medications used to "manage" autoimmune diseases (RA, IBD, psoriasis, MS...), nutrients wasted by the meds. Part Two are the steps needed to REVERSE autoimmune conditions, what needs to be monitored, which drugs must be tapered.

Full 6-Module Courses for the Public

6-Module Course in "all-the-things" related to REVERSING asthma! DIY over 3 weeks to 3 months.

$979.00 USD

6-Module Course in "all-the-things" related to REVERSING high blood pressure! DIY over 3 weeks to 3 months.

$979.00 USD

6-Module Course in "all-the-things" related to REVERSING cholesterol abnormalities! DIY over 3 weeks to 3 months.

$979.00 USD

6-Module Course in "all-the-things" related to REVERSING type 2 diabetes! DIY over 3 weeks to 3 months.

$979.00 USD

6-Module Course in "all-the-things" related to REVERSING being sick & tired! DIY over 3 weeks to 3 months.

$979.00 USD

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